Epic免费领取《Hell is Others(他人即地狱)》游戏喜+1

2023-01-27 400

Epic免费领取《Hell is Others(他人即地狱)》游戏喜+1!hell is others《他人即地狱》是一款独特的多人生存游戏。可以让你通过为你的公寓定制物品来提升你的角色。通过嗜血的植物种植你自己的弹药,探索黑暗的城市环境,对抗他人,尽你最大的努力活下去,迎接新的一天……似乎永远不会到来的一天。





Hell is Others is an extraction horror PVPVE top-down shooter. Outside the safety of your apartment lies the noir hellscape of Century City. A city of endless night that straddles the line between reality and insanity. Explore, hunt and loot in a place where blood is currency.

Adam Smithson does his best to exist in his tiny apartment, alone, high above Century City. His only companion is a bonsai tree, which he dutifully cares for—perhaps only to pass the time. Time which seems to have no beginning or end. But like everything else in the city, his plants require blood to survive. So Adam is forced to find a regular supply on the dark streets below. An elevator lowers Adam into the shadowy nightmare of the city where the hunt begins. In a place where blood is currency, and the only way out is down, Adam must survive and thrive the best he can while confronting others with the same goal in mind.

A unique, multiplayer online extraction game, Hell is Others allows you to progress your character by way of customizable items you obtain for your apartment. Grow your own ammunition via blood-thirsty plants, explore the noir urban setting, confront The Others, and do your best to live to see another day… A day which never seems to come.


Stalking the same pathways you do are monsters that feel familiar to Adam, close yet so distant, maybe The Others are just like you. As fast as predator can become prey, make sure you’re using all of Adams’s senses to stay on top of the food chain. The Others not only want your blood, but to strip away all the precious items you’ve collected for their own purposes.


This city is filled with the unknown evils of the world. In every alleyway, shop entrance, and cross walk, The Things lay in wait for the perfect time to strike in order to steal away the highly-valuable blood in your veins.

Grow your ammo

Ensuring your plants grow big and healthy requires a constant supply of blood. But what if enhancing your crops yielded bigger, better results? By adding fertilizers, you can create a wide range of bullet-producing plants. Grow more powerful ammo, add unique features like bouncing bullets or silent varieties. The possibilities are endless…

Build your safe place

Customize Adam’s apartment with new objects and appliances to convert the tiny apartment into a comfortable fortress. Besides simple decoration, every item has added benefits or perks for Adam while he is down in Century City trying to survive.

Tick tock

You have a limited time to do your business once down in the city. Lookup for an elevator and go back home before it’s too late, or you might just end up losing what’s in your pockets.

But watch out! You’re not the only one that wants to go back to his safe home.


Epic免费领取《Hell is Others(他人即地狱)》游戏喜+1
Epic免费领取《Hell is Others(他人即地狱)》游戏喜+1

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浩沐资源网 游戏活动 Epic免费领取《Hell is Others(他人即地狱)》游戏喜+1 https://www.dhaomu.com/41264.html


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